Sunday, February 19, 2006

A profitable walk in the snow

We walked up the road in the snow early Saturday morning to an estate sale. The gentelman moving out of the house was 100 years old.

Most of the good stuff was already picked through by 8:30 but we still managed to find some deals.

A few weeks ago Jillian made some scones, which turned out great; however, we had some disagreements on the amount of flour that should be used. So when we came across a nifty sifter I snatched that up quickly. Just $1.00. It is just like what mom uses, and her mom used. On top of that he had a classic toaster complete with the old cloth cord and the mechanism ticks when you push it down. Guess how much it was? $1.00, can you believe such a deal! Here are our before photos. The toaster is in great shape and I cleaned it up with Bartkeeper's Friend cleaner - which I highly recommend having for cleaning metal surfaces.

And after.

This baby is a winner. You'd probably have to spend $35 bucks for a look-a-like at Target and you can bet it's not the same rugged construction.


theprestons said...

Actually it is Bar Kepper's Friend.

Anonymous said...

REALLY it's Bar Keeper's Friend. bum nub

theprestons said...

Bum Nub,
You're right! I can't figure out how to fix comments on blogger (my spelling error). Thanks for the correction of a correction. J