Tough time waiting.
I think I'm ready...I think.
Professional contraction monitorers
We came to our office visit and J's blood pressure was high. She also had protein in her urine. The doctor thought that she was 2 to 3 cm, but I have come to realize that that is relative to the person measuring.
They sent us down to the 2nd floor to Labor and Delivery. After several tests they decided to admit us. Eventually the doctor broke J's water (that's amazing how much water is in there). Later they put her on pitosin with promotes strong contractions. She labored from approximately 2 to 7 until the pitosin overwhelmed her and we decided to get an epidural.
She's all smiles now. She is 5 cm and 80% efaced. We'll see what happens next. Right now we are waiting to see how she progresses.
Before epidural
This just in! After 1.5 hours she dialated from 5 to 8 cm (which was confirmed by another nurse). She is 100% effaced and in a 1 position. The nurse estimated the baby would be delivered before midnight. We'll see.
Spinning for joy!
Is baby Augie here yet?? We've been praying for you two!!
Can't wait to see your little one!
Congratulations on your new arrival! He's adorable, looks like daddy so far. Proud grandpa Preston was quick with sending out pictures! Hope Jillian gets to feeling back to normal quickly. Well, as normal as possible, now with a newborn to love.
The Taylors ~ Moon, Krystal, Sierra & Dakota
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